I have had mild to moderate rosacea for nearly 30 years. As well as acne with the rosacea I have broken veins that have been treated with various forms of heat pulse dye/light lasers, IPL being the most successful. I had a disastrous result with Veinwave last year given to me by an over zealous practioner which has resulted in some pitted scarring. I received a consultation from a private doctor who through a colleague who is a consultant cosmetic dermatologist suggested I have microneedling to deal with my scarring and other (acne) scarring. However after some research read that the Fractional thermal dermaroller treatment isn't suitable for Rosacea suffers. Has anyone out there had this treatment? What about the non thermal, regular dermarollers would they be better for my skin?
Any help will be apprecited.
I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.
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Thank you.